Thursday, 24 April 2008


Oh Oh i really reallyy m dying to share this with you guys! This is the day which we went out for a short gathering. Was taken a week ago. I kinda forgotten wat's the purpose&the venue of the gathering But its alrite. The main point is myOppa&I made a commotion at the traditional Korean restaurant&it was terribly embarrassing to say that we took APPROXIMATELY 15-20Mins to have our perfect picture taken. Spare the photographer! Below are the sequences of pics that we took. It was farney! Gimme a guess what both of us intended to do!

Hey hEy! This isn't it! There are actually more more more .........


Eliot said...

Hi JiaHuey! ^^; I appreciate your dropping by. Indeed, the experiences you'll be having there are priceless. Continue to cherish each and every day without fail for time is short.

By the way, you look good together! ^^;

(also, could you link my blogs with yours? Everything Kimchi
Travelin' Fashion

Thanks. ^^;